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Glenna Nesbitt
June 9, 1925 - June 5, 2016
Nesbitt - Glenna Aleta (Pownall)
June 9,1925 - June 5,2016
“From Buck Hollow to the Board Room—with Love”
Today, our dear, sweet Glenna passed away at KGH, a place she thought of as her second home.
Glenna was predeceased by her loving husband of 50 years Mac Nesbitt, her sister Evelyn Fudge (Aubrey) and her parents Arthur and Ethel.
Beloved by son John and his wife Marilyn of Calgary; dear grandmother of Glen, Diane, Colleen Nesbitt and Austin and Bailey Oleksyn. Also survived by her niece Gail Money and her family with whom Glenna shared many joyful Christmas celebrations. Mac and Glenna's "expanded family" also includes Andree and Rejean Lemay and their children Elyse and Matthieu of Kingston and Victoria.
Glenna was born on a farm in Buck Hollow on the shores of Grippen Lake.
She had goats, pigs, horses as pets, but her favorite was a collie named Skip. Later, Mac and Glenna would cherish the company of four Chinese Pugs, KeeKee I through IV.
Glenna attended a one-room schoolhouse until grade eight progressing to schools in Lyndhurst and Brockville before going to McGill for her BSc dietary degree. During the summers she worked at KGH as a student intern and on completing her degree was offered the job as Head Dietitian, a position she held for 6 years.
While at McGill, Glenna met and became a member of the ‘Fabulous Five”. Five beautiful, vivacious and dynamic ladies who remained close friends to the end of their lives.
One of Glenna’s favorite stories while being Head Dietitian was the night that she and Fraser Armstrong, the CEO of KGH at that time, washed dishes until 6 am as some of the staff was off sick.
While at KGH, Glenna met her Mac. Mac owned Anderson Bros, a wholesale food distributor in Kingston. He came calling one day at her office in an attempt to get a grocery order from the gorgeous new dietitian who was also in charge of procurement. No order, but got a date!
After the birth of son John, Glenna left the Dietary Department but continued her involvement with the hospital as a member and President of the Women’s Auxiliary and then as a KGH Board Member for over 30 years.
Glenna loved to travel especially in her convertible to Island Pond Vermont to see Claire McBride. She enjoyed trips to Europe and Hawaii with Aubrey and Evy and Andrew and Margaret Bruce and to Calgary to see her beloved grandchildren.
Glen, Diane and Colleen are always foremost in Glenna’s thoughts and she cherished their visits, emails and phone calls.
In her later life, arthritis ravaged Glenna and she required several joint replacements and was eventually confined to a wheelchair for the last 10 years of her life. She never complained and became an “elderly dynamo” with wheels!
After her Mac died 13 years ago she proudly stayed in her home until 5 years ago when she moved to Fairmont Home. The staff there loved her as a second mother and gave her outstanding attention and care.
Glenna will be remembered by the hundreds of people she invited into her home for Sunday dinners, her impeccable choice of clothing and rain hats and her unwavering faith in the PC party.
We would like to thank Judy Luck and Glenda Sucevic for their steadfast caring of Glenna and Mac over the years. They sat with her for hours outside in all types of weather, took her to appointments and offered her sips of water and held her hand over the last few days.
We would also like to thank the staff on Kidd 9 for their exceptional care and Dr. Ray Viola for years of loving attention to Glenna’s complex medical needs.
We truly believe Mac and Glenna are walking arm in arm once again along a beautiful country lane.
A celebration of Glenna’s life will be held at the Queen’s University Club on Saturday June 25th at 11:00. Please join the family for a light lunch and the graveside service to follow at Cataraqui Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, as you wish, a donation in Glenna Nesbitt’s name to the UHKF (Palliative Care Service at Kingston General Hospital) would be appreciated.